Thursday, July 26, 2012

New Kid On The Block...Kinda!

Well hello! 
Ever since I decided to start a blog I have had so much fun putting it together...Until I got to the part where I actually posted something then I got very terrified nervous! I have no idea why but here goes nothing! 

So this past June I found myself in a very familiar predicament, it seemed it was time to move... AGAIN! Since I have moved back to Gainesville in June of 2010 I have moved 1 million  4 times! Seems a little extreme and I have yet to master moving! The packing, the labor, the unpacking and the organizing. PHEW...just typing that makes me tired! Well this June when special circumstances made for a very quick and desperate move I searched for my new home. That is the one part that I do like about moving. I love the riding around town at night with my sweet mama or my best friend Wendy and imagining what it would be like in this house, or that one. What would my swing look like in that tree...Will the cats love the new house? ...Did I mention I'm a cat lady? More on that later! 

Well finally after a little mailman questioning undercover work from my mom we found it and more importantly who owned it! It is the perfect house two bedroom house and it is right up the street from my sweet parents! 


Isn't she a dream?! My own little doll house. Better picture to including my bright pink Adirondack chairs with precious black and white pillows on them! It also means a lot to me to live in my old neighborhood because it has sentimental value as well. My parents neighborhood is on Dunlap Drive for all you Gainesville folks is off Thompson Bridge Road. Well my grandfather; Ed Dunlap had his farm on all of this land and decided to build his beautiful house on it and develop the rest! There is a pasture in the middle with our horses on it so part of the "farm" still remains. I love this area and I love being close to his house. He died in January and being close to it makes me feel like he is still up there sitting in front of the fire. 

I am excited to start this blog and share my life with my Gainesville friends, my sweet college friends, my family and whoever else wants to read. That's the tough part about growing up, all your friends no longer live 5 seconds away but are found in long catch up phone calls and in pictures on your walls. 

I'm hoping this blog will do several things for me.
 1. force me motivate me to finish decorating my house and share every step a long the way 
 2. Find my creative side again, I love to decorate and put things together but somewhere along the way it seems I've lost it...
3. Help me be more adventurous as I explore the strange world of a twenty something single person living in her home town! 

Surely I cannot be the only person in this boat right? 

This weekend I am heading on a road trip with my sweet "FoFo" which is what we Hughs kids so lovingly call our grandmother! I'm sure it will be all too hilarious as we head south to Waynesboro and spend some time with our sweet cousins! 

P.S I'm hoping my cousin Nan will go into labor 2 weeks  a little early while I am there! I love babies especially brand new ones :) Come on baby Perrin pop out for cousin Boo! I'm dieing to meet you miss priss! 



  1. Great post! I can't wait to see how your house comes along and your everyday life in our hometown :)

  2. Congrats on the blog sister! You will love it I promise!! How fun, I am slightly jealous of your new adorable casa. I am constantly wanting to buy and re-do hehe ;)

    Hope that baby comes so you can meet!! ;) xoxox

  3. Anne Bleakley! Your house is so so cute! I love your blog! It is so great to see you're doing well pretty girl :) I have a blog too if you want to stop by sometime and check it out!!

    Still so crazy that we both follow PLL! I love it and her!

